Upcoming Exhibitions
WE DO ENCOURAGE appointments as we are here in our studios! Also our Bnb is active, although not currently online, you can book it through an email to us. Details: 3 night minimum $140 nightly & 14% city transient occupancy tax, plus $120 cleaning fee.
Shopping online is always available! TRAX is open every Sat. and Sunday from 12 -5:30. “Branching Out” is in the gallery through March. The exhibition includes useful pots by Tom Jaszczak from MN., ceramic sculpture, by Mary Alison Lucas from Murphys, CA.and Prints by Robynn Smith of Santa Cruz, CA. April brings opportunities with flowers, showers and wall pieces.
For the past six years, we spend our summers on the St. Croix River in eastern MN. TRAX will be open only by appointment and online during the summer months. Please text ahead of your planned visit: 510.914.1303 OR email: info@traxgallery.com